L’Asset Performance Management vous aide à optimiser la fiabilité et la disponibilité des actifs physiques tout au long de votre processus de production. Connecté par l’Internet industriel des objets, l’APM recueille, transmet et interprète les données pour vous aider à augmenter le temps de disponibilité de tous vos équipements.
En tant que fournisseur expérimenté de solutions APM, INDEFF personnalise et déploie le portefeuille APM d’AVEVA dans des sites de production aux quatre coins du monde. Ce portefeuille de logiciels vous permet de tirer le meilleur parti de vos actifs tout au long de leur cycle de vie.
L’APM transforme les données brutes en informations commerciales. Votre personnel a accès à des données sur chaque processus, ce qui lui permet de prendre des décisions étayées.
En comblant le fossé entre l’ingénierie, l’exploitation et la maintenance, l’APM vous permet d’obtenir un rendement maximal sur vos investissements en équipement, avec un minimum de temps d’arrêt imprévus, de risques opérationnels et de coûts de maintenance.
Asset Performance Management helps you improve the reliability and availability of physical assets throughout your production process. Connected by the Industrial Internet of Things, APM gathers, transmits and interprets data to help you increase the uptime of all your equipment.
As an experienced APM solutions provider, INDEFF customizes and implements the AVEVA APM portfolio in production sites across the world. This software portfolio allows you to get the most out of your assets throughout their lifecycle.
APM turns raw data into business intelligence. Your workforce has access to data on every process, allowing them to make informed decisions.
By bridging the gap between engineering, operations and maintenance, APM gives you the maximum return on asset investments. With minimum unexpected downtime, operational risks and maintenance costs.
Low-cost smart sensors deliver standardized data sets on asset health and performance. The data is easy to interpret and provides your employees with actionable insights. Wherever they are.
Condition monitoring and asset integrity management improve your reaction speed, ensure less costly downtime and help creating a safer work environment.
APM-powered predictive – and even prescriptive – maintenance leads you to operational excellence.
In the end, your asset performance depends on their maximum availability and their ability to run at the ideal capacity. APM provides you with the right information to avoid downtime and to keep your assets – and processes – running smoothly.
INDEFF helps you find the APM applications that are right for your company and will yield the optimum ROI. Our focus on the AVEVA portfolio means we can hit the ground running. We come prepared with a concrete plan of action and all necessary information to guide you through the process. Step by step. No theoretical discussions, no surprises in the middle of the project.
INDEFF prides itself in a very honest, direct and practical way of working – a true automation partner. Once implemented, APM solutions will give your employees a thorough understanding of your facility, from the board room to the factory floor. The system provides them with clear, actionable insights for maintenance strategies that will maximize your assets ROI.
Curious what we can do for you? Learn about the possibilities for your industry.
Discover how we collaborated with imec.icon and Ghent University to develop a low-cost, low-intrusive APM solution.
At the forefront of APM innovation